Tell Tale Lore (III): The Dead Man

The fog was so dense that the guards in the double doors couldn’t see each other. The temperature drop so fast that the armour in the bodies of the guards chilled their bones.
“Damn, what in name of Lëba is going on?” asked the guard in the east side of the door.
Franz “It’s cold as death, Friedich.” Laugh heartlessly the other guard. “Thank the gods we are going to be relieved in half an hour.”
“T-This weather creep me out Franz. Something unworldly is going to happen. This change is unnatural.” said Friedich.
“You are a coward Friedich.” riposted Franz. “I know you came from a tribe which believes in other things son. I promise you there aren’t here any undead beings here.” add “Now be quiet, its thirty minutes from relieve and you know the rules.”
“No talks.” – concluded Friedich.


A warrior wearing full plate armour throttled down the road. The fog was dense but still the warrior could see beyond the human reach. The fire of the lanterns in the house burned bright.
The warrior grabbed the hilt of his sword and walk forward to the building in front of him.
There were two guards in the entrance.
One of each was talking to the other. The other guard if he was listening didn’t say nothing and neither looked. It was like a statue.The warrior was now at 20 meters but still the warriors didn’t see it. The fog was getting denser.


“Did you hear that Franz?” – asked Friedich with a startled voice.
“It is nothing, probably a mouse” – said Franz. His voice was no longer a full confident one.
“It was the sound of steel. Which mouse wears steel Franz?” shouted Friedich unknowing that his voice was rising.
“Be quiet you! I will take a look. Go stand near the bell alarm.”
The warrior took his sword and walked forward. “Damn kid stories.”


The full plate warrior saw the guard walking with one hand stretching forward. Apparently he didn’t have his eyes. The warrior started to move with his plate jingling. The guard stopped and asked something. When his mouth open to ask again no sound came. A sword was impaled in his throat.


“Franz? What happened?” His voice was cracking with fear. “It’s you coming? Why won’t you say anything? Stop scaring me man.”
The forms of a warrior appeared. It was to dark to the guard to comprehend at first what it was. Then the being was only 5 meters away. Friedich mouth was wide open. No voice came out. The fear was so intense that he could not ring the alarm bell. His pants were full of uncontrollable dejection. The warrior raised his sword and the guard fell dead. A pool of piss mixed with blood.


He open the door with such strength that the doors smashed into the wall with a noisy sound making the white marble of the wall fall. Several guards appeared from the west and east wing. Even outnumbered six to one, the warrior was in advantage. The face of the guards was of pure fear.
The warrior was in bright silver full plate armour, lacquered a deep blood red and chased with bronze accents. The sword was almost one meter and a half. It was almost as bigger as the warrior. His head was entirely encased in an elaborate helmet, build to look like a dragon’s head.
The very sight of him turned the guards blood to water. But if not enough for a man quake himself he had gruesome features of a ghostly dead pale face.
The guards for moments didn’t moved at that was enough for the warrior to raise his sword and dropped it in an arc. The guard in front of him felled headless and the one next to him went red with the blood of his comrade. The despair in his eyes make him quake. He tried to run, but the warrior was blocking the only way out. Despair came with a scream and he raise his axe, but it never came down. The sword of the warrior impaled him through his lungs making him ascend from the ground. The guard wasn’t fat but neither was he lean. Yet he had raised him like he had nothing in his sword. The scream of the impaled soldier was so scaring that one and then another dropped his sword and run away to the door. But they never got out. The sword of the warrior cut from the lungs to the head and got free just to plunge into the bodies of the soldiers who tried to run. One got his arm severed and the other with his back slashed. That is the fate of the cowards.
The guards still remaining fled and went to the dormitory where the remaining soldiers were getting dressed.It was the solstice of winter, the smallest day of the year. Each year the realm made a great celebration to all gods as a sign of a coming of a new year. In the Mayor’s House only a small contingent of guards were guarding it. Six guards were already dead. The warrior walked through the door the guards had just fled. A bifurcation and he turn left and then right. Many paintings were on the walls. Most of them were with naked woman or other lustful situations. His plate was scratching the corridor that was too small.He open the door in the end of the corridor just to be confronted with the remaining guards and one other human with expensive clothing.
“I don’t know who or what you are, but you have made a bad decision. You will die invader.” said the human holding a pistol with his right hand. “Kill him.”
The four remaining guards were now with four crossbows and fired the bolts. In that range nobody missed. Two of them ricocheted in the armour but the other two strike home. One went to heart piercing to the armour and the other to the joint. The gun blasted into his armour making the creature draw one step back.
But still the warrior did not fell.
The warrior started to move towards the attackers when the pistollier shot more five rounds. All of them hit he armour. But that didn’t slow the warrior.
“What a hell are you” Ask the pistollier. “Why won’t you die?”
The warrior stopped and said something that made the guards feeling a chill so intense that some of them dropped their weapons. It was like being hit by the cold gale of the mountains but instead of being ripped apart from the outside it was like the wind was inside them.
“You cannot kill me, ‘cause I am already dead” – The voice was harsh and hard. “I was a soldier fighting in the eastern front. Then I was killed in one ambush by our enemies. I thought that when I die I was going to the afterlife to wait for my wife. But it was not that, that happened. I remained behind. The boatmen that should have taken me to the other side said that I was not going. When I ask him why, he said I had a last quest. And then when I was coming back I saw something that made me cry. I didn’t remember the last time, if I had ever cried. But I did then. It was my wife and child. They were there. DEAD” The warrior shriek so loud that one soldier fell to his knees covering his ears. “They were dead! She said to me, that you “pointing to the pistollier” had gone to our house saying that I was dead and now she needed another husband. And when she said she didn’t want anyone, you raped her. “His voice was cracking, visually disturbed.
"The gods granted me a chance to avenge my wife and child. I will kill you all.” Added the warrior.With a leap and his sword with an arc he stroke down two guards, bumping against the pistollier making his sword drop to the ground.The guard who was in his knees tried to raise his sword to block the attacker but the sword cracked and his head was smashed by the giant sword of the ghost.
The pistollier grabbed a sword of a comrade and prepared to face the warrior.
“Who are you spirit?” – asked the pistollier.
“Don’t you recognize your own brother, Jürgen?” – said the warrior.
The warrior pierced his giant sword through the belly of Jürgen, who didn’t try to defend himself. His face was of pure shock, like he was bedazzled.
The last guard run to the backyard, screaming to arms, where all company was celebrating.
The body of the pistollier fell to the ground. For moments the warrior looked to the broken body of his brother. Always his brother had envy the wife he had. With the dead of a husband, the brother had the privilege to marry the wife of the deceased. Except if the deceased has already a son. This is a law to protect the lineage.
The warrior left the room through the door the last guard had fled. It was a giant yard with almost two hundred meters large. The guard had already alerted the companions. Waiting the warrior were now the remaining ninety guards of Jürgen.
Each commander had one hundred soldiers. When Jürgen had rape his wife, the soldiers had watched laughing. Some of them raped her too. The wrath of the dead man was not only to his brother but with all of his guards.
The guards had closed the doors leading to the forest. The fog had dispersed and now the bright full moon shone. The dead man smiled.

“One by one they died
A massacre that took all night
They had no chance, it was no fight
You can't kill what has been killed before They died...”

This was a text I made some time ago after seeing my favorite wrestler.That day I remember all matches I saw in my youth and the ones I see now...
May you (Undertaker) never rest in peace and live forever!
My thanks go also to Mina for believing me...
All rights go to me except the poetry part which is from the authory of Within Temptation (Gate keeper of the Enter album)

This text was made under the beautiful waning moon of XXV/XII/MMV. Today all christians were happily celebrating the pagan Roman fest of "Dies Natalis Invicti Solis" - The birthday of the invicible Sun... How I love the irony and falsehood of the Christian Religion.
