Anime Review: Danganronpa (Summer 2013 & Summer 2016)

Well to me it makes perfect sense to review these series as one since they are realistically a series with 3 seasons.

  1. Danganronpa: The Animation (Summer 2013) - 13 Eps
  2. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Despair Arc (Summer 2016) 11 Eps
  3. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Future Arc (Summer 2016) 12 Eps
  4. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School -Hope Arc (Fall 2016) 1 Eps

Chronological are:

  1. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Despair Arc (Summer 2016) 11 Eps
  2. Danganronpa: The Animation (Summer 2013) - 13 Eps
  3. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Future Arc (Summer 2016) 12 Eps
  4. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School -Hope Arc (Fall 2016) 1 Eps

Every Single one of the characters
Just to begin; this is based on a videogame which I did not play, and I pretty much get the picture. But there are a few things to know before starting watching this. ; The first Danganronpa is self contain. The second (Despair) can be seen without knowing nothing since it's set BEFORE the the first Danganronpa. The third (Future) can also be seen independently but to my opinion makes no sense if you do not seen the first Danganronpa. And the last one (Hope) if you didn't watch the previous also makes no sense since it's right after Future. In my opinion it should be the 13 Episode of the Future Arc.

So what it's this all about... It's quite strange to talk about this anime. Basically the first one is set on a tower where several contestants, 15 to be precise, are set completed isolated a
nd must find who the killer his amidst them. PLEASE DO NOT WATCH DESPAIR ARC BEFORE THIS ONE EVEN IF IT IS SET BEFORE. Basically you will not enjoy since you will know from the start who the bad guy/gal is all along. Basically the contest works this way, you must find who the killer his. If you cannot find who the killer is the killer is released and everybody else dies. As I said, each  person is unique and have some special abilities. We follow Makoto Naegi an average student  who is very lucky. 

From this moment on, there will be some spoilers.
After the dead of most of the classmates they finally discover who the killer is and 6 of them escape, including Kirigiri (Super High School Level Detective); Aoi Asahina (Super High School Level Swimmer); Byakuya  (  Super High School Level Heir);  Touko Fukawa (Super High School-Level Literary Girl & Super High School-Level Murderer) &Yasuhiro Hagakure (Super High School Level Fortune Teller)

We later understand that the one behind if all was another contestant  called Junko Enoshima ( Super High School Level Fashion Girl (Gyaru) / Super High School Level Analyst)

The second anime Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Despair Arc is set before the events of the first Dananronpa and deals with the Junko and how everything came to be. They talk about some uber-despair event and we later understand what was it. This series are highly depressing because it's full of despair and we some characters falling into despair. 

Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Future Arc it's set 3 years AFTER the first danganronpa and deals with the survivors of the first game and the Future Organization trying to rid the world out of Despair. It's very alike the first one since its also a game. This one is a bit different. Basically each one has some bracelet with a hidden rule and if they cross that rule they will die. They must find out who the killer is.

We have as main characters some of our survivors from the first Dangaronpa and the second one.
It's highly interesting and we follow Kirigiri with a group of survivors and Naegi with other group of adventurers.  It's interesting because we have several guys who are trying to erradicate Despair but each it's own way. After all, how can we control despair. Is not despair and other negative emotions also needed? After all aren't we humans made of good and bad emotions?

The last story HOPE ARC is set right after Future. In my opinion it should not be a new arc since it's the culmination of the FUTURE.

How to watch this you ask?
Danganronpa  (all eps)
Then either watch one episode of each or watch everything from Despair and then Future.
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Despair Arc 
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Future Arc 
In the end watch
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School -Hope Arc

Yes and No. Unless you are prepared to watch all of the series, then don't watch. The animation is cool, there is no red blood but pink blood. If you don't like action and killing and such then don't watch it. Everyone dies in a horrible way... eheh

And I don't get it despair. Junko says that she wants everyone to fall to despair but she enjoys it. She almost is happy with it. How can you be happy with your own despair? It's quite hard to get it... But it's a nice series nevertheless. What I am trying to say is that it's kind of hard to understand everything...
