Review: Ferno, The Fire Dragon - Adam Blade

Title Ferno The Fire Dragon
Author Adam Blade (Pseudonym)
Year 2007
Stand Alone or Series  (Beast Quest, #1)
Pages 128
Reading Time December 20 to 21, 2013


This is a children book no doubt about it. The beasts of Avantia that have protected humankind are now attacking them. 

Tom, in a strange unrealistic action, is helping the king to remove those beasts from the power of a evil mage.

As he travels to meet Ferno, the first quest, with his spirited horse Storm he encounters Elenna a bowman girl and Silver her faithful wolf. 

The battle between them and Ferno is quite brief and unsatisfactory. Overall is a quick read and It's advisable to boys and girls with 7 through 10 years. I will pass this book to my own children... when I have them. 4/10
