title: Castaways
author: Brian Keene
isbn: 0-8439-6089-2
publisher: Dorchester Publishing
pages: 285
isbn: 0-8439-6089-2
publisher: Dorchester Publishing
pages: 285
reading time: 3days (19/04/2009 to 21/04/2009)
rating: 6/10
After reading some time ago the Rising and the City of the Dead I bought some time ago several more books by Brian Keene. I have the Conqueror Worms, The Ghoul and the Dark Hollow. I am waiting for Dead Sea to come from amazon.
Two weeks ago I went to a story with a friend and I saw the book and I bought it. I have more books to read but at that moment I didn't have any with me and I was going to the hospital seeing my grandmother so I bought to read along the way and in the waiting.
I was dissapointed I must say comparing with the other two books... the characters weren't that good and they weren't all that well portraited. That people would enter aThe theme itself was good even if unbelieveble (but expecting zombies so that's no worry). I think that the book wasn't all that spooky but in a way was disguting reading about the raping and such. After reading a couple dozen pages I already knew who would be the survivors... Oh well...
In the end I am disapointed but I think Brian Keene is one of the best horror novelists writing nowadays and that's why I bought the other books even if didn't enjoy this one... This book reminds me of the Island by Laymon.