Author Joe Schreiber
Pages 234
Year 2009
Reading Time 7 (October 2009)
Rating 7 out of 10
This was my first book in the Star Wars Universe, besides the novelizations of the six movies. There were a couple of them I wanted to read like Death Star, Darth Bane Trilogy, or any book where the main characters are Stormtroopers, but when this book was released I bought it after reading good reviews in some blogs. Being fan of horror theme and Star Wars I thought it was a sure win….
Something stroke me as odd… Since when do zombies enter the star wars universe? I don’t know if I have ever read anywhere about it but okay… I hope they do not tread there. Star Wars Universe does not need these but okay… Well… Was the book scary? A little bit(e). Suspense? Eck… More or less. But was the book alright? Yes it was but the appearance of Han Solo and Chewbackka didn’t felt right… They did not belong there.
The characters were not that good unfortunately and I didn’t care about any of them. And when at the middle of the book Han Solo and Chewbacca appear… They did not belong there. From this point I only want to get over with the book… When you read a horror book the best part is wondering who lives or who dies… When you have to main characters of the films you know they won’t be dead…
The Dramatis Personae at the beginning of the book didn’t reveal them... Why? It was for the surprise maybe? And the preview of a book released several months before at the end? Well interesting…
The only good part was the Star Destroyer scenery. The author portrayed them big and scary… (but without avail). They are big indeed with 1.6klm. Even the dead didn't felt like zombies...
The ending was predictable as I said...
I really hope that they don't use Zombies again because they don't belong in Star Wars...