Title - Yarrick: Chains of Golgotha
Author - David Annandale
Year - 2013
Stand Alone or Series - Stand Alone
Pages - 122
Reading Time - 25, January 2013 (1 Day)
What an interesting good read. One of those tales that we all know what is going to happenned but never knew details. As we all know Yarrick was chasing Ghazgkull Thraka, the despoiler of Second War of Armageddon. After leaving the world behind Yarrick goes on a hunt for his old nemesis. Pacts and deals being made so he could have the manpower to deal with the Ork. After months of fighting but never getting near of Thraka they track him down to Golgotha. There they chase the Ork but Yarrick being to arrogant (what a character) never thought that Orks are not merely beasts. They can be cunning and make tactics, well most of them cannot. They will fight anyone, anywhere, even among themselves but never making what you can call a tactic of attack. But, it seems Thraka is different. Being defeated Yarrick is taken prisioner and must fight the orks in their own ground and join the remaining prisioners under the same goal.
It's one of the those novels that really made you love the Warhammer 40K setting. Yarrick is an arrogant bastard, yet you root for him and a typical Commissar (no Gaunt or Ciaphas here).
I really enjoyed the novel because it gave a new light on the Orks, the savages of 40k. Not much of a spoiler because how the novel turns out it's avaiable out there in the fluff of Yarrick. It's interesting to read about the reason behind the release of Yarrick by Thraka after the escape attempt. David Annandale is a good writer in my opinion.
Interesting fact is that Gunheads by Steve Parker connects with this tale because in that tale they are trying to recover the Tank used by Yarrick in the last battle of Golgotha 9/10