Title Revelation
Author Bentley Little
Year 1989
Stand Alone
Pages 327
Reading Time December 2010 (8 days)
Strange things are happening in the small town of Randall, Arizona. And as darkness falls, an itinerant preacher has arrived to spread a gospel of cataclysmic fury...And stranger things are yet to come...
Another tale set in Arizona. As all other books by Little are creepy as hell. As other books there is a certain Good vs Evil idea behind. What' is what sort of thing. Churches vs churches vs Satan coming. A preacher that arrives to "save" the day. The characters Gordon Lewis and Marina are expecting a child in a town where several womens are losing their babies. It's like seeing a B movie with a religion theme and gore elements. Good tale. But not the first story if you are starting to read Bentley Little. Check The Association or The Store 6.5/10