Well Tim returns to the land where he lived all is young life accompanied by his girlfriend Lucy. Tim had left several years backs when he and two friends (Baghi & another) went to a local zoo to grab some crocodiles eggs - but after one of his friends was killed by a Crocodile he was shipped away.
Meanwhile some girl has disappear a couple of days before. Lardy and Rusell are fishing in a local swamp (or bog or whatever you call that place) and they see a sheep being killed (but they don't see what kills it). Then Brittney (Lardy's Girlfriend) disappears. and Lardy and Rusell are tying to find out what happened, after hearing from Tim reporting that they found out a crocodile tooth. They amubush and kill a crocodile. Meanwhile Brittney was not killed by the crocodile but kidnap by two guys (one of them is the town butcher - how convenient) but manage to escape. She then tells Lardy it was the Butcher. There was a brief confrontation and they are able to apreehend both Lardy and Rusell. When they are going to kill them Tim and Baghi come to the rescue (because the Butcher had kidnapped Lucy). There another confrontation an Tim knocks out the butcher and puts him in the boat and throws into the lake (WHY??? - By the gods this makes no sense whatsoever)... then the butcher's friends is killed by an alligator while an angry mob witch pitchforks and torches watches... When we all think ok, this is over, Tim and Lucy are attacked at home by the butcher (after all, nobody searched for him...) but Mrs Wembridge appears and knocks him flat.
In the end we saw some credits of what each character did (like they were real persons) and we see the Butcher escape a psychological facility...
What a bunch of crap. This movie is wrong. All Wrong in so many ways I cannot even begin... first the main character - Tim is plagued by the death of his friend when he was young but it has no consequence in the movie whatsoever. Then he has a girlfriend and he didn't tell her what happened. He has almost no importance whatsoever in the plot. He is just there to someone accuses him that's his crocodile...When
he defeats the butcher he lets him go...
The ones doing everything are Lardy and Rusell the town drunks. They killed one crocodile and go search for the cannibals - although they are knock out. They are the movie comic characters bringing some interest to the plot.
The butcher is probably the most interesting character. One question remains... They had two crocs and they have been taking care of them. Why noone went missing before only after 10 years? Why the need to kill people when they could give meat? Why the use of human bones, flesh and such to give the town people? Are they crazy? It makes no sense...
This movie is slow to a stop. It's boring because it try to hard to be something it's not. It's not a mighty beast who comes to terrorize a village and its a cannibalistic hillbilly freaks like Wrong Turn and such. I really hate it.~
Edit: WAIT! What's that cover? The crocodile looks like it's bigger than the human. WTF? Was I watching the wrong movie? There were 2... TWO crocs. Why the second cover features a lot of eggs? This movie has nothing to do with Nature. It's about humans. Humans being sick bastarts feeding people to Crocs... That's it. Oh my.. I feel cheated...
In the end we saw some credits of what each character did (like they were real persons) and we see the Butcher escape a psychological facility...
What a bunch of crap. This movie is wrong. All Wrong in so many ways I cannot even begin... first the main character - Tim is plagued by the death of his friend when he was young but it has no consequence in the movie whatsoever. Then he has a girlfriend and he didn't tell her what happened. He has almost no importance whatsoever in the plot. He is just there to someone accuses him that's his crocodile...When
he defeats the butcher he lets him go...
The ones doing everything are Lardy and Rusell the town drunks. They killed one crocodile and go search for the cannibals - although they are knock out. They are the movie comic characters bringing some interest to the plot.
The butcher is probably the most interesting character. One question remains... They had two crocs and they have been taking care of them. Why noone went missing before only after 10 years? Why the need to kill people when they could give meat? Why the use of human bones, flesh and such to give the town people? Are they crazy? It makes no sense...
This movie is slow to a stop. It's boring because it try to hard to be something it's not. It's not a mighty beast who comes to terrorize a village and its a cannibalistic hillbilly freaks like Wrong Turn and such. I really hate it.~
Edit: WAIT! What's that cover? The crocodile looks like it's bigger than the human. WTF? Was I watching the wrong movie? There were 2... TWO crocs. Why the second cover features a lot of eggs? This movie has nothing to do with Nature. It's about humans. Humans being sick bastarts feeding people to Crocs... That's it. Oh my.. I feel cheated...