My rating: 9 of 10 stars
Some minor spoilers ahead:
If this was a ten stars review this would get nine. But as it is five star systems I will give it five because the book was brilliant with only one thing I didn't like.
This book is a mix between Battle Royale with Zombies. AWESOME!
Couldn't be better.
I even made a excel with the twenty participants and their respective weapon, affliation, friends and such from before and who killed who or was killed. That's how much I enjoy it.

So as you leave the hotel you get a unique weapon just for you, a map and some rations. Mine would be:
So in this group you have punks (of course the "heroes"), Merc Punks or Mongols, you've got prostitutes, a writer some scientists and such. You've got even a suprise.... (view spoiler) .
You've got some interesting way of telling things. From the start you don't know who is going to end up winning and you start rooting for someone just as he is killed or turn zombie. That's it. Everytime you pick a favourite....
Every character had a good story behind. One of my favourite was reading about the Mongols culture of a body with three parts (A head who thought and commanded and two arms who were connected almost telepathictly).
Of course Heinz, the nazi was another interesting character. Gogo the zombie fvcker ruled (a disgusting peturbing way). Nemesis and Haroon link was also a top notch.

My favourite characters were probably Scavy along with Heinz.
My only complain was the inclusion of a historic character. Well not the inclusion per se but the changes he got. (Read the book).
I really enjoy this novel. I search but I think this was a only one book on this "reality". I really wanted to see more of it. The satire of humankind, classes, religions, TV and everything else is presented here not in a way that you thing that the writer is giving you a lesson.
Recommended to anyone who wants to read a zombie novel, punk, sex, post apocalpytic novels or likes "The Hunger Games". Now read a grown up novel.

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