Why do you ask?
Well probably because it has some deep flaws.
Our story begins with people dying as we follow a dozen characters lives and how they cope with it. Some were interesting and some were really flat - cardboard. Then some band together others stood alone. We follow every couple of pages about their daily lives (very succinct in my opinion) and how they develop.
There is no explanation on why people fell dead (only in the last two pages we learn of a theory), interesting people are rotting away (not all bodies, women are not - as I said we never learn why).
This book also has some commentary like the republican Irish gal and the British soldier type - of course they hate each other but then try to cope and so on.
The problem is that the book has only 290 pages and so with the setup we are left 50 or so pages to some action, explanation and conclusion - unfortunately it didn't satisfy me. I've seen and read better zombie flicks. I don't want to know why zombies appear (it really doesn't matter in most media) but why only women? He tries to give some explanation but its so far fetch it's really anticlimactic.
The ending is crap... yeah woman are sick of men so they turn into a zombie and kill people who wrong them - so why not the men? So why some women died and other no? Bah
I've heard there is a second book but I will not get it nor read it. Sorry.