Book Review: Imperial Glory - Richard Williams (Black Library)


Now this was a very gush of fresh air. Very interesting take on 40K Imperial Guard. With dozen of characters you could get a bit lost but overall a very interesting take. Basically the Brimlock Eleventh are on their last campaign after twenty years. From ten million soldiers only 1000 or so remain. One last campaign and they could settle in this new world. Their enemies are some feral orks.

the beginning of the novel we learn a bit of Brimlock characters and some of their history. As the story progress we follow four or five characters and each one was very interesting. As other people have stated you can divide the book in two. The first part, around 250 pages or so, it's very interesting. Cool setting, fluid action scenes and so on. The last third of the novel it's very fast ... Too much fast to my opinion. Made me wonder if he needed more 100 pages to make a more interesting tale. The ending made me wonder what it happened.

Nevertheless I would advise to anyone who enjoys 40K and imperial guard.
