October Horror Fest - 3/31 - Tales from the Hoods 3 (2020)


Lets say it... It's a racist movie.

I understand this is a movie made by black for black and to black people. But can't they make a movie without criticizing white people? 

It's very offensive, well two of the stories are rather offensive to white people. The first tale it's an interesting take. A guy wants to buy an apartment in a condo so he can sell it to another guy and transform it into something profitable. If people don't go the easy way - lets go the hard way. 

The second story it's one of the racist things I've saw. Most story it's about a white racist guy being... racist while sitting on a bunker while other people are watching him. I deduced what's happening.. so basically it's like a zoo where they put white racist or mysogist guys and black people look at them. 

Then we have two more tales.. One also it's a bit racist anti-white and the last it's about karma. There is also one tale that goes between all of these tales.

Overall.. don't watch it unless you are a racist person.

I won't deny that some stories are good BUT I can't praise this like I wouldn't praise the other way around.
