October Horror Fest - 4/31 - Book Review - Dispatch by Bentley Little (2005)

Ahh Bentley Little.
Having read several of his books I believe this is my favourite horror writer. IT's not stephen King

or Richard Laymon but Little. I don't even read so many of books in one go because I don't want this to end.

I've read The Store; The Association (my favourite); The House; The Mailman; The Collection; The Resort; The Town; The Revelation; The Walking.

I have to read His Father's Son; Death Instinct; The Burning; The Disappearance; The Vanishing; University; The Return; The Summoning; Dominion; Guests; The Policy; The Academy; The Ignored and the Haunted.

Some of the newer ones I never had them because they are too expensive like The Handyman; The Influence; The Consultant; The Circle; The Bank - but lets be real, I will buy them probably.

So, this one follows the same trope as the previous I've read and it's the only writer I know that does this.. We follow Jason who discovers that he has some real artistic valour at writing letters. He finds out that as he writes letters they are heard and good things happen. As times passes on he understands that he has some kind of power and some of actions have really impact, not like previous where he received some free food or something like that.

The story itself it's written in first perspective and it was interesting to see that he is a unreliable character and sometimes do or say something that he goes against what he previous said.
Most novel (at least 2/3) are about this power and about the consequences of his actions. But all of this time, and from time to time he receives enigmatic letters that come into reality and change his life. He starts writing not because of pleasure or need but because it's a job and at the same time an addiction.

The "evil" entity turns out like the evil that exists in the book The Store or The Association. It's within us, it's no one, it's everyone, it's a bit lovecraftian. It's very difficult to fully tell who the enemy is.

But it's Jason a good character? Not at all. He is a evil character on his own after all in his teens he makes a girl get dressed, through some letters and even sent a picture. His sex life it's all about him and he even kill his own father - true to be told - his father his not the best father with frequent beatings. His mother is no better and he continually torment her with letters. He is self-centered and as I said obsessed with writing and the power that comes with it.

I've enjoyed it. I've read it 4 days which to me it's pretty good. Advisable but to newcomers I would advise starting with either the Store or the association.
