October Horror Fest - 6/31 - Movie Review: Several Crappy Movies Don't Watch

 Here we go... This last few days I've watch some movies where either the quality it's very crappy or the story is bad. Some I skip forward some time and even failed to finish. They are rather unwatchable.

Parts Unknown

It has some interesting cover but that 3.3% should be an indication that it was bad.  The script was bad but even worse was the acting... Nothing was redeeming here.

It shows it has some more budget but most movie is two people. That's it. It's a tale about a young woman who has some maritage problems and meets another older woman. Then she invites the younger to her home and bad things start to happen. But overall it's not new or even good. To be honest it's quite pointless overall. Not that horror - more of a thriller?

Another movie that was made in a low budget. I Really dislike this kind of camera. The acting is not good as well. I cannot give any recomendation here as well.

This is some bad shit. Really bad. It's like that Witches movie from the 90's  (The Craft) when several friends become witch but with a budget of 1000$ you really couldn't expect more. BAD. There are four reviews in IMDB. Two are 1 start and two are 10 star (This reviews were made by people who are members from IMDB for 5/6 days so... )

Another story that all in all don't even deserve a 1.