October Horror Fest - 21/31 - TV Series - The Haunting of Bly Manor

 First of all, if you haven't seen the first series I have to say two things:

-> Why the heck not?

-> Don't worry, these are not that connect with the exception of one character who is telling the tale and she appears in the first and last episode.

Is this better than the first? Nope.

The story is told within another story and it's a story about a manor which is haunted. We don't understand the reason until half the series and then it's just boring.

In this tale we follow a person (Dani) who is hired to educated two children (Flora & Miles) who have lost their parents. From this moment on we see a bunch of disparate characters.

We've got the house governess (Grose) who is a bit dreamy and never eats. You've got the Gardener (Jamie) which is a bit mysterious and rebel. The cook (Owen) who has some family problems - he is also very attach to Grose. Then in other timelines, because there are several of them you've got Jessel (former educator)and Peter who is the the liaison between Henry (The uncle of the children) and the house people.

This tale it's a bit confusing at times because there are several flashbacks but as you watch more and more you learn that they are not flashbacks at all but pockets in time travel and such.

It's interesting and daunting to watch in one go BUT at the same time it's not that good to be honest. I  didn't care about the all the timelines and they felt wrong. One thing is telling a tale within a tale with flashbacks to give meaning and such - another it's making pocket universes and even time travel. 

It's boring and not that well achieved. Comparing this to the previous series it's just wrong. The first season it has some terror this it's just some jump scares - from the first time you've see Mrs Grose you know she is a ghost. 

Now good things - My God Flora acting it's just good. So young but she's got a future. 

The all lesbian stuff it's just absurd. So, Dani it's gay; we know she's got some demons inside her - so what's the daemon? Well, she was close friend to a boy and afterwards they choose to get married (SHE SAID YES) but as the preparations unfold she tries to broke off telling her boyfriend that she is a lesbian - he leaves the car upset (of course, who wouldn't) and it's killed by a truck!

So, she has some doubts but even so accepts to marry him but then says - who sorry. I am gay. FUCK OFF. You get no sympathy from me.

Okay, in the first tale we've also got a lesbian but her part it's well conceived. This one it's not.

So if you haven't watch the first please do. If you want a ghost story, with time travel then watch this.  The ending it's very odd to be honest... 

Btw, this is by Mike Flanagan which is one of my favourite horror directors with movies like the Haunting of Hill House, Gerald Game, Doctor' Sleep, Ouija, Before I awake, Oculus..  He sure likes Carla Gugino.

Enfin, so in the end I would advise watching the first one. Then if you really want watch this as well BUT bear in mind they are not connected  Unless you say Carla was in both of them. The other thing it's that it's connected to other tales from other horror writer from the olde days like Henry James.
