October Horror Fest - 22/31 - Movie Review: Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight

 This is a polish slasher and it's very poor. I cannot phrase that in any other way. 

The basic plot it's a bunch of kids who are taken into a no technology camp and they must survive a couple of days without internet and electronic devices. 

A group of boys and girls go and make camp in the night. Sex happens - why not right? And the first person is killed. Afterwards it's person after person being killed until there is only one left - which is survivalist (Why?) but the monsters are not dead as well. The monsters are two brothers who caught a rock and got transformed into freaks of nature who don't speak and are not monsters. 

The story itself it's in subpar and to be honest on par of other tales from Hollywood so there's that. But the monsters are really not that interesting and the all champion female it's unbelievable. 

Most gang died because they acted stupidly. 

Don't waste your time.

Not even that good boobs to be honest so... (there's like two second worth of boobs).

Note: As a movie that comes from poland and since poland has some strange laws - the gay character here was interesting but it was "cut" short. Haha

The nazis in the end it's crap. The director had to be Woke ? Woke in Poland? Can't people make movies without preaching their own opinions and thoughts on politics? I mean this is a slasher! I want blood and boobs.
