I know we are in November but I didn't have that much time to write more reviews.

I really enjoy this movie. I am rally far-fetching the horror genre but this is not horror. It's a fantasy, post-apocalpytic world with comedy and romance. If I had to give one single genre - adventure.
This movie was made before Covid but since it was not possible to go to the cinemas they delayed and now it's out.
It's very interesting to be honest - I didn't expect such a good movie to be honest. This is a story of our world that was wipe out (almost completely) by mutated cold blood animals. In this story we follow a young man who is good for nothing and it's living in a silo with a bunch of other survivors. He is the only one who really don't fit. One day after several communications with his past girlfriend (via radio) he decides to leave the silo and go to the other silo several miles away (70 I believe). But earth is not a good place. Nobody lives outside the silos or bunkers because death is always lurking. Giant monsters are everywhere. But still the boy goes... after a while he encounters a monster but is saved by a dog; afterwards falls into a pit but is rescue by a man and a child who teach him a lot about living above world.
Most movie is this travel and the lessons he learns. Nothing is what it's seems to be. It's very interesting to see the main character grown.
The actions scenes are really good. The monsters are really well designed and behave like they normally due but times 1000x. Some are not aggressive but others are. It's like nature.The characters are very interesting as well. All of them are not cardboard versions of stereotypes.
Advisable to anyone if you enjoy comedy, romance or adventure movies. There are monsters - thus the horror BUT probably to me because I have a bit of phobia of insects.