Book Review: The 13th Black Crusade - Andy Hoare

I just made a review but the computer crash. Damn you!

This book was quite good. For one who is trying to read more about 13th black crusade this book is definitely a must have. The writing is simple and you get a view of the grand scenario behind it. The images accompanying this book are: a) photos - horrible and don't add nothing b) drawings - excelent.

There were some stories that I would like to see a full lengthen novel like:

Saint Josmane's Hope - specially the last mission

Invasion of Cadia - Maybe a series of novels that cover from the beginning until the end.
Edit: Already have two novels

Khârn the Betrayer - Need I say more? 
Edit: Already have two novels

Subjugators chapter

Eldrad Ulthran - Story of this most important eldar

Ulthor World or Eidolon - Battles and transformation.

Ursarkar E. Creed
Edit: Already have two novels focus on Cadia

There are here, only in this War, room to make dozens of books, as the made in HH. But of course I know it's not possible. My only complain to BL is that they are going astray with their new policy. Short stories each weak, novellas each month and "exclusive" books every other month. I think it's ridiculous. I know that companies need to survive but their policy of publishing is almost too stupid. Usually they had a website that could tell us what books were going to be release. With some surprises which were good. Now, I have only the pre-orders, no  but if I go to amazon I can see the BL release schedule for 6 or 7 months. This is just absurd. I used to buy everything from them and gave the thousands of pounds. Now? I won't buy from them (maybe a novella from time to time) and buy from bookdepository or amazon.

Shame on you BL. Look at the prices with other publishers and the selling prices on Amazon. Maybe discounts from buying from you. Free Shipping on smaller fees. I was curious. Are BL making more money now or last year or in 2007/08/09/10 ?
