October Horror Fest is coming - Again

 Every year I dedicate the month of October to focus more on horror - well to write more about horror because of the 400 movies I watch in December 80% were horror. But I haven't the time to review everything.

So this month I will try to watch and review at least one movie, book or tv series related with horror. Probably gonna watch more but who knows...

In regards of novels I collected 8 novels to read (a real challenge with 2250 pages).

I will probably not going to read them all BUT I am going to try. 

Not in any order

- Bentley Little - Summoning (542) (3.71  rating))
- Frank Peretti - This Present Darkness (508) (4.22 rating)
- David Moody - Autumn (271) (3.66 rating)
- 40K & Sigmar Anthology - Anathemas (345) (3.61 rating)
- Christine Morgan - The Night Silver River Run Red (212) (4.09 rating)
- Caitlin R. Kiernan - Black Helicopters (202) (3.45 rating)
- Edward Lee - Trolley No 1852 (102) (3.88 rating)
- Daniel Barnett - Nightfall - Nightmareland Volume 1 (141) (4.31 rating)
