Movie Review: Share or Die (2021) October Horror Fest (7/31)

 I don't know if I should give a 1 or a 10. I am in doubt...

So basically you've got here a spam message that's being sent to people. Either they confess something OR they share the message to anyone else or die. So far, so interesting, then it comes the teen drama, you've got a girl who dump a guy for something ; you've got that double holier girl of Instagram that makes posts all the time and such - you get the picture..

The acting is bad, the filming is like it's the first movie they make, the story is cliché - so as I said- society nowadays is as fake as you can get. People only care about what they seem to be and not what they are - so when dealing with death situations - you really can't expect people behave differently. 

There is even a situation where a girl dies and two of his "friends" make some comments to draw likes to her. Life is cheap and the personage you are on the internet - you turn yourself into reality. Basically that's it.

The ending was cliche… I didn't enjoy it at all. There is really no redeeming qualities to be honest. Sorry.
