Book Review: Masters of the Pit (Michael Kane #3) - Michael Moorcock

Author:  Michael Moorcock
Book: Masters of the Pit
Year: 1965
Pages: 160
Part of Series: Michael Kane #3
Reading Time: 2 days (2021
Rating: 3 Stars

So this was the third story on this short novels from Michael Moorcock. And that's a wrap.

Michael Kane was another character in the world of sword and sorcery on Mars. Nothing really particular interesting on him besides the idea of peace instead of strength of arms. That's different at least.

All other characters are not that flash out besides Hool Haji. There are some enemies, human-cats; dog-humans, mechanical and some bird things. It remind me of Island of Dr Moreau mixed with Burroughs own story.

There are some complains, identical with the previous one that deals with the fastpace novel. Moorcock says that he wrote this novels in a week, we are talking at 500 pages so, 100 per day more or less. And it shows. The story at times jumps and jumps and we don't know "what the heck is going on?" Then the action scenes are frankly bad. Rushed and not that fluid.

I have to give a discount since Moorcock was around 25 - well I won't give a discount - because Lovecraft, HP Lovecraft already wrote at that time this kind of novels and frankly way better.

Overall, I read and finish because one of my goals for this year is to finish pending trilogies or series...

Should you read it?
- Well, if you want to read everything from Moorcock multiverse - Yes
- You want to read Sword and Sorcery - Then, no. Way better out there. Most are older than this - late 20's, 30's , 40's and 50's.

Some new writers are going around with this again, so the future could be bright. I've read a couple of weeks before - and it's frankly way better. Go read my review
