Book Review: Siberian Incident - Greig Beck

Author: Greig Beck

Book: Siberian Incident
Year: 2019
Pages: 246
Part of Series: Solo 
Reading Time:  10 days (2020)
Rating:  6 Stars

When I started reading stuff from Tim Curran and other Severed Press authors and I saw a Greig Beck story I thought I would love to read it. I've known his novels for several now and they look cool thrillers in the same vein of other novels mixing thriller with adventure and ancient monsters and so on (I'm looking at you Jeremy Robinson and James Rollins)

Well, what we've got here is an American guy who makes a deal with some Russian guys to create a farm on sturgeon. But then stuff doesn't happen the way he wants after all this are Russians and Russian mafia has it's hands on everything/anything. When he disappears , his ex army brother and wife go to Russia to deal with it.

Apart from these mafioso other stuff start to happen and so more Americans (ex-military) arrive at Russia. Then the book changes a bit and if it was more thriller to more commando fighting the Thing from OuterSpace.

What about the monsters... some spoilers ahead!

Well what we've got here is some monsters that transverse space but when they arrive at earth they have no technology... how? They use dead bodies to make things and use them so they walk on land and so on... they built things out of corpse but then Greig Beck never explained how they transverse the cosmos. Poorly written this part.

Spoilers Finish

My main problem with most of these kind of novels Thrillers/Adventures/Monsters seldom end bad. They usually overcome their problem and all is fine which is a bit boring and predictable.
