Book Review:: Out are the Lights - Richard Laymon

Author: Richard Laymon
Book: Out are the Lights
Year: 1993
Pages: 344
Part of Series: Solo
Reading Time: 3 days (4 to 6 June 2022)
Rating: 7.5 stars

This is one novel with a bunch of short stories attach with it. I am currently reading one novel at a time by Laymon. I Started with some random books that I have and now I am going  publication order.

This was okay book but not his best. You can see difference between this and other of his novels. This more straightforward to the point whereas later novels are more focus on characters and such.

Basically we've got here a couple which are in a loveless stuff. He finds a woman which he starts cheating and escaping doing all kind of weird stuff his girlfriend don't. She in the beginning behaves like a offended woman but soon changes and starts doing the same stuff has him. The only difference is that she got the nerves to break it up. 

This is a convoluted stuff and it shows and people behave rather oddly and out of character. From the woman who beats the crap out of some teens and burns the vehicle, to the plot that goes nowhere and we don't know what happen (spoilers ahead - <spoiler>basically the woman he is cheating with runover the new love for our female main character making her investigating and even found out it out who did it but nothing happens to that plotline.</spoiler> . I know why this happens - it's because inbetween this romance gone bad situation - you got our main plotline of a couple of people making indie films that are not that make-belief.

Some short stories are pretty good mainly mess hall basically a story about a woman being kidnap by some mass murder and things go a bit of supernatural.

Dinker's Pond was not that interesting

Madman Stan is a very cool short story in the vein of RL Steine

Bad News and finally one of the bests The TUB - hidden sexcapades gone wrong. I really enjoyed it.

Overall it's a nice book but nothing too out of the box for Laymon, some romance, some sex scenes that make you embarrassed and some gore - to be honest one of the goreless of his novels so far.
