Book Review: The Dirge of Reason - Graeme Davis

Author:  Graeme Davis
Book: The Dirge of Reason
Year: 2017
Pages: 112
Part of Series: Arkham Horror (novella)
Reading Time: July 2022 (2 days)
Rating: 3 Stars

This is the second novella of a series of 7 or 8 created years ago (back in 2017 I believe). I am reading this in the novel printed by Aconyte (Dark Origins). But I Am reading only one novella per month.

So was this good story? Nah. It's bad. Basically we follow Roland Banks which is a character in the Arkham Horror; Eldritch Horror and Mansion of Madness universe. It's one character that I really enjoy but unfortunately everything that made that character good in the game was absent here.

If you don't know he is a lawman that never bends the true and holds duty above all. I believe the author didn't knew that much about the character. We know that he changed since he came to Arkham but in the novella in the beginning he is reasonable and then go to a loony bin and becomes a complete different person.

The story is nothing too interesting BUT as the previous tale and the ones coming these tales, you know, if you play the games know basically how they will play out. Per example in the last tale you know that Jenny (I believe that was her name) was searching for her sister and not get find it. Here we know that he will change views/actions and so on... but it was too rapid. Oh and the plot was boring...
