Book Review: Red Station - Kenzie Jennings

Author: Kenzie Jennings
Book: Red Station
Year: 2020
Pages: 135
Part of Series:  Splatter Western
Reading Time: June 2022 (3 days)
Rating: 9 Stars

Suffice to say I enjoy it. Probably one of the best so far from this series. Fast Pace, Characterization for half a book then carnage. Just like we love it.

This tale is probably the best of all I've read from the series of splatter western. In these tale we've follow a 4 of people as they are travelling in a carriage. They stop at a inn and we get some interesting interaction between inhabitants and travellers. This is half the book and I enjoy it. We learn a great deal about them and it was cool. Each was different and we got that. Then half the novel is carnage. Unfortunately for some reason, the author decided to kill all (view spoiler). This felt like the first novel of Wrong Turn. My problem with it , was the quick hack and slash and we lost both in one page.

Oh well... Apart from that I thought that the main character was too overpowered and since the author actions since the beginning we already knew nothing would happen to (view spoiler).

Apart from that I think it was interesting, didn't felt like that only had 120 or so. I will probably in the future buy another of her novels.

Sequel? Well, there some space in it. I would love to see like a final book with all the surviving characters in a final battle.
