Book Review: 14 Sai 1 - Kazuo Umezu (Manga)

Year: 2001
Pages: 316
Part of Series: 1 out 13
Reading Time: July 2022 (1 Day)
Rating: 8 Stars

What an interesting concept. This was written around 95 to 00's so Japan was going through a transformation on the society that started in the 80's. If you see some OVAS from that time the theme is always the same. A bleak universe due to corporativism and black ops stuff, the majority of humankind living in proverty and violence going rampage.
Yes, today is a bit different but some stuff stays the same...

What can I say about this, basically imagine that we start growing food out of vat tubes... instead of massive chicken killer zones you just breed the chicken breasts, or wings or foots or whatever. But as you may have learn in science - life always creates a way to never give up and throws a curve ball. There are documented instances of animals changing because of extinction; now imagine those vat's created life? Well here you go... Now imagine that life becomes smarter and started to get revenge from humanity destruction of nature? Well I am game for it and rooting for Chicken George...

This first one really flows... It's not horror but more thriller and the horror is more Lovecraftian and less jumpscare. I will keep reading of course
