Book Review: Ire of the Void - Richard Lee Byers

Year: 2018
Pages: 136
Part of Series: Novella 
Reading Time: 3 days
Rating: 3

This is the third Lovecraftian novella published initial in individual format then turn into a paperback novel called Dark Origins.

This tale focus as you can see in the cover - this if you play the game - Norman Withers tale. What we have here is the tale behind the story of Norman. Basically, Norman was a respected Astronomy professor but due to his "discover" of missing stars he become a bit recluse and discredit. With the help of a physician that discover that there places within Arkham that don't behave as they should they will try to uncover if all the stuff is connected.

So, I am not going to spoil anything here but basically this is the first I saw some mechanics from the games into a book. After the initial investigation Norman must arm himself to go find the physician in another world and we are able to see that things that happen in the game - how Norman or any other play has objects that are a bit strange to him... after all we are not seeing Norman, an old guy with a machete or a machine gun and throwing dynamite sticks... Here we see a bit of that and the realm and some strange beasts... DHOLE's...

unto the fourth tale... or is onto?
