Book Review: The Girl in Red - Christina Henry

Year: 2019 
Pages: 316
Reading Time: August 2022 (5 days)
Rating: 5 Stars

Well this is going to be a conflicted review BUT - it's my review so, I don't care.

Let go from the start - I enjoy the plot and I even enjoy parts of our MC character. What I didn't enjoy was the overtly hate that our author has against Male White People.

So let's go to the basics - we know that racism exist and it's a bad thing but going every chapter, for every White character and making them evil (without even knowing) and characterization of a entire "race" as racist, evil, mysogist etc - what makes you? It makes you racist.
WHERE the fuck still white people ask a black teacher -- oh isn't funny you are teaching us english? WHAT? What decrepit reality do you live?

Some examples;
"...the man was still cursing, still calling Red every name a man calls a woman when he's angry" - Yeah women never curse or swear against a man.

".... only all-white guys trying to prove something about their masculinity... " yes, because black, asians and mix races go to university because they need to learn to be able to live. All white people don't. They just go as you say - to prove something about masculinity.. my god...

"... truckload of racists that want to eliminate miscegenation - to go around trying to earn their white supremacy badge" LOL oh my god you dumb fuck- she doesn't even know who are the people in the trucks are at that time...

I am going to end here but this is only the first 100 pages. You should check yourself to see if you are okay living in "that" society. Bearing in mind that the book was publish in 2019 - Trump was in power, BLM was starting and such - very much influence? I Bet her new novels will deal with Trans. I BET. Edit: I WAS RIGHT - HORSEMAN written in 2021 has a Trangender character as MC. LOL Oh you do like to sell and to appeal to the masses.

Then another thing, this book was written, where you can see the author ticking all the boxes. Our main character is not only black, has a disability and it's bisexual.

OH well, about the book now...

Basically the end of the world come with a cough - Covid? Well it was written before, so not that inspiration and the majority of population died - or at least we thing because the information we have is very scarce. It's a dystopia, apocalypse with strange monsters and white people to stop Red to arrive to her grandmother's house.

The tale is told in one perspective (our MC) but it's told in two timelines. The Now and the Before. Every chapter or two chapters they change and give a bit more info on what happened and how they arrived at the situation/moment.

Our main character, Cordelia aka Red she is a survivalist. Basically she sees a lot of movies of horror and apocalpyses and try to work things out (supplies, drugs and so on) because, of course the rest of the family didn't do anything. She is a know it all (with some merits) but people , even her family downplay her - maybe due to her disability or maybe because she is trying to hard to out-vote everyone else. She wants her family to go the grandmother's house and is against any type of government solution. She is anoying beyond belief (she is 21 I think) and she is so self-righteous and idiot that don't even understand that attitude drive people away.

As some reviewer said here ". Red also didn’t feel genuine to me, coming across more like an idealized character that checks off all the right social justice boxes. I consider myself pretty middle-of-the-road so maybe that’s why stuff like this tends to leap out at me, and Henry isn’t exactly subtle when it comes to shoving issues like race and guns in your face, reminding you at every turn how Red feels about such things, and most of the time it’s done in a very awkward and ham-fisted way. Many authors have done better."

I enjoy the fast pace story, I enjoy some of the people they meet and the ending really left an impression because I knew what she was trying to do and the end - the conclusion, the finality - wolf - red hiding hood allegory turn out pretty nice.

So, in conclusion is a woke apocalyptic novel, fast paced story...
Note to the author; if the world turn out like you say (to shit) nobody would care if you were white or black, racism would be the least of your problems, nobody would give a fuck if you want to be treated as them instead of he or she. Just saying...

I have two more of her books and I am undecided if I should buy the box about Alice BUT I've already saw they all deal with kind of crap social justice warrior... You can put your values, your ideals but not sounding as preach (on the other side of the fence).

If I offended you - well as a white male I felt offended - and I bought the book(s).
