Movie Review: Abandoned (2022) October Horror Fest 2022 (27/31)

I have so many questions, please elucidate me...

Why was the baby always crying?

What was the linkage between the pigs and the movie?

What about the two children / neighbor stuff?

What a heck was that ending?

I get this book is about women and how they deal with childbirth. You have (this applies to men) the social construct that as soon as the child is born it's your most precious thing, and you feel love like you never felt - well of course that's bullshit. Love doesn't spring out of nothing -it grows. Anyone that say different  - may feel differnet and that's their life  BUT that doesn't happen to the majority.  The vast majority - even if they feel ashamed and don't admit - like to have their own time, their own stuff and so on. You are a person, you are a husband/wife and you are not mother/father. That's it. You don't remove the individual person you are OR the husband /wife functions.. to be honest that's why most married deteriotates. 

Okay, what about the husband actions? She was doing stuff because she was suffering from child post pasturm disorder or because she had previous problems or because there were malefic things happening - well I didn't understand. All the book gives focus it was something horrible that happen and so on, and then the all pill stuff and maybe a social critique of how "men" deal with woman that become abnormal with pregnancy.  They treat them as "crazy" to be treated as problematic and treat with medicaments... There's much more than this but the movie not even here was clear and never really try to get both sides of a conversation

Nothing is explain, you may think A and be correct and me thinking B and I am correct as well, in the end we are both wrong because this was done that only the writer/cast whatever know the real reason behind.

I hate when movies do this, rush ending never really explaining and there may be several interprerations.. Oh well
