Movie Review: Ju-On: Black Ghost / White Ghost - October Horror Fest 2022 (1/31)

 I've always enjoy Ju-On & Ringu. So I thought I would watch the movies this year for October Horror Fest. I've already watch the first and second a couple of times but never really dwelt the later ones... So here we go...

If you don't know Ju-On it deals with a curse. There were two short called Katasumi & 4444444444. But in terms of movies the first one was Ju-On: The Curse in 2000 & Ju-On: The Curse 2 also in 2000. BUT in terms of theatrical the first one was Ju-On the Grudge in 2002, and then Ju-On The Grudge 2 in 2003. 

Afterwards they made two movies they air in the same time. They are connected two the previous although they followed different familes... One was called Ju-On: Black Ghost and second Ju-On: White Ghost.

There were 3 more movies made; one of them a cross-over with the Ring Series... So let's review the first two:

Black Ghost

This, as previous are told in vignettes with different characters setup & fate. One of the most interesting things, but the previous was like that s well, they are told in anachronic timeline. I am note going to lie to you but you must be completely focus or you will lose where you are in terms of story - because as I said it's not told in one fluid motion. 

for those who follows AV you will remember Maria Takagi & Kana Tsugihara. Bear in mind there is no nudity on the movie BUT it's cool to see her.

White Ghost

This one is not a sequel of some sorts - but it also doesn't feature Sadako. This is set on the same house as the previous years after Black Ghost. Btw, in both movies Toshi (is that his name) appears but very briefly - no part of the plot. This one evolves a broken family, some child molestation and a confused grandmother...

I can't really talk about the movies plot or else would give to much spoilers... If you want to see all movies, then these two would be right on your alley. But watching just for the sake of horror as isolated I cannot recommend them. It's for hardcore.
