Book Review: Pan Labyrinth - Guillermo Del Toro

Year: 2019
Pages: 296
Reading Time: January 2022 (8 days)
Rating: 8.5 Stars

Dear All,

Read and love it. It's so good. It's a new fairy tale enveloped in real life drama of Spain Francoism era. I remember watching the movie, but it was back in the day - we are talking 15 years ago so I don't remember that much to be honest.

This movie/story try to teach us that not all wolves wear pelt and not all that seems is and people are really good at asking questions but not as answering.

Here we have Ofelia a little girl of 12 who is going to have a new dad (stepdad) as her mother is going to marry an army official. He is an army official for Franco (nationalist spain) while the good guys are republic rebels (as per usual - read stars - imperial bad - rebels good)

Apart from that cliche the story is perfect. It has small chapters that really help the story flow, then there several intermissions that tell a grand tale of Ofelia and her earthly parents and not so earthly.

I really love it all. It was dark and beautiful. Well written and simple. So many layers, so simple story - yeah it's confusing. Read the first chapter, either you love it and continue or not. I don't believe I've read a bad review.

And although it is a fairy tale it's a dark fairy tale. IT can be to kids BUT as adult, and father I believe the story resonates even more (you're talking at someone who saw the movie at 25 or 26 and now I am 41 and with a child. It's awesome.
