TBR January 2023

 So, I am going to start doing this on a monthly basis here. I made on youtube but I don't think that's worth it anymore.

I will be also try to make a weekly update on friday of my reading performance.

So as you know this year of 2023 I've got a lot of novels line up to read. Probably I won't be reading them all BUT will try. My main goal above everything else is start reading Horus Heresy novels.

I am going to add the above with the books I am going to read and cross-check them.

So let's start January with Horus Rising (416); Thanquol's Doom (408); Shadow Games (351); Resurrection Dreams (352); Beasts in Velvet (286); Grim Investigations - Dark Revelation + Investigator Origins (200); 
Continuing from December ; Fellowship of the Rings (275 pages)
Continuing from December ; Fire Warrior (300 pages)

That's around 2500 pages which would be awesome to read.  

Happy readings everyone.
