Book Review - Resurrection Dreams - Richard Laymon

Well as I finish the last a hundred pages in one sitting waiting for my medical appointment I felt cheated.. let me explain why... basically this novel we follow Vicki as she is going back to her small town to me a doctor. She has a friend, Alice, which she has been friends since highschool. In this tale we also follow Melvin. He is a crazy guy with a fetishes to resurrect people.. he tried doing on a science fair and was sent to the loony bin. A decade later or less he is out and taking care of a gas station but secretly killing people to follow his dreams. Can't fault a person for following dreams, right? 

So he is smitten, obsessed with Vickie because she defended him one time against a bully. So his ultimate goal? Resurrect someone and if he can do it, then Vickie. 

Vickie meanwhile is starting anew, she has some demons on her , we are never really focus on them , we don't know for concrete and hey at least it's not a perfect character (lol). 

Every time he meets a guy he is pig. Her former tenant , a police chief (former) is also a pig and being a piggy he harassed her. On that day he finds death at the hands of Melvin... no? Patrícia, the nurse? Okay... ah Patrícia the nurse his the first success on the resurrection dream and it works. It's alive!! And perfect, not rotten at all, still fucking and now totally obedient to Melvin (muqhaha) and she is a perfect body.. but Melvin wants more..he wants Vickie. So he do stuff for her... Her not knowing.

Until she meets jack, another perfect character. A lawyer who she ends up to the fiddle... (I mean fvck). Melvin is upset and plots to have her brought to her. Oh ace was stabbed by Melvin several times but she is fine, don't worry.

After capturing he tries to kill her and resurrect her. But Patrícia don't want to share so she kills Melvin with help of 2 police officer, they had kill ( and she brought them back) . Instead of biting to have more zombies you use magic.. way easier.. biting btw don't work.

Why didn't Patricia killed Vickie? Well because...shut up.
She is then seen on her own, doing some stretches and meet her former lover Paul who, was travelling around the world but knew about this, well because... and then fall in love again and they live ever yafter together...

So what happened to Patricia and the rest of the gang? Well they continuing eating people. The end.

First of all if you've read more than one of Laymon books you know he falls into the same stuff everytime. Female main character, HOT & perfect. IF this was a D&D she would always be a lawful good paladin kind of person. The bad guys are always bad and always go the either way around - chaotic (maybe neutral) evil and usually a bit crazy. There is always sex scenes - awkward some. In this he was kind moderate. There was no rape, well maybe who knows... if someone dies and now must do the bidding (partly) of the guy who brought her back and have sex and she enjoys it (her words) is it rape? And then in all books there are plot armor, deus ex-machina stuff and our main character, although may suffer, never dies and in the it's okay.

So I will rate this 6/10
This was my 14 book by Laymon Read. Let see my favorite...

The woods are Dark 9.5
Dreadfuil Tales 9
The Cellar 8
One Rainy Night 8 
Out are the Light 7.5
Flesh 7
The Beast House 6.5
Resurrection Dreams 6
NightShow 6
In the Dark 6
Beware 6
All Hallows Eve 4
Midnight's Lair 4
Endless Night 3
