Book Review: For the Witch of the Mists - David C Smith & Richard L Tierney

Read back in December of 2020
232 pages published back in 1978
Heroic Sword and Sorcery Fiction

Well well well... Interesting novel about one of my favourite "heroes" but lets be real it's not that good. To be quite frank it's , go there, do this, go there, do that - insert a number of grammatical errors - no kidding and I am not even english so sometimes some escape me, but this has a lot of errors. Not counting with errors around name of gods; name of characters. Enfin.

What we have here it's a tale where Bran goes to a cavern where he finds a woman Aleisha that says to Bran that she must reincarnate into someone that lives in rome. So when he is capture by romans he goes to roma and become a gladiator killing and destroying anyone that he fights. There int he village of his master he finds a servant girl who is the girl that must be reincarnated into Alesiha but the mistress of the girl also wants to capture Aleisha and get her magic power. So they go back (Brant; Aleisha and a stable boy) and in another boat the mistress & her lover. There they fight near the caves and while the girl is reincarnated into Aleisha ghosts fight for Bran along the picts and a victory it's ensure.

Well, do you notice the errors? They exist in the novel. Not counting with gods and even the picts land being south of London (unless earth it's upside down)

Pretty bland novel, this is basically what happens and the 235 pages on the novel pretty much sums this review. Damn this was bad trip. Bad Instead of 1 star I will give 2 because this novels are not supposed to be poetic, or perfectly written. This novels are to entertain and they are reminiscent of pulp fiction.
