Book Review: The Fellowship of the Rings - JRR Tolkien

 hat an amazing novel. This is why fantasy is awesome. So beautiful written, so overwhelming beautiful. Words are meaningless describing the novel. IF you ask, will I Love it? Well, it will depend on your tastes. If you are expecting the same pace of LOTR the movie then no. You will hate. There are very few action scenes. So few you barely notice them. Slice of Life, Drama, character driven & landscape top tier.

There is a reason why it's the most loved novel or at least revered. Tolkien "invented" the genre. He didn't create fantasy but he made it available for everyone. He worked on his world for 60 years. He created languages, not random words, vocabularies with logic and such. There hasn't anyone that will ever go to it's steps. The pure dedication is without parallel. We are talking in a time fantasy/sci-fi was seen as a weak genre, a thing people did for gaining a quick buck. Tolkien created the genre, and thousands of authors were inspired on him. Even today...

Now about the story... well go watch the movie :) I kid you. There are better reviews here. It's about a quest, it's about a fellowship, it's about the world building, it's about honour and doing the right thing.
