Book Review: Sourcery - Terry Pratchett

Reading a Discworld novel is like binge watching a comic series like red dwarf or any other british comic from the 80's. Every single thing is comedy. The problem for me is that it's too much and that times It's boring. I know remember why I only read one every few years lol And I Wanted to read one per month. Can't do it.

The other problem is that the comedy/humor is repetitive. Some are fun like,when flying saying I am of fear of the ground... don't know mean heights? no, the heights don't trouble me, the problem is falling and hitting the ground lol It's funny witty

Per example
Is anything bad happening to him?
It may be, he is dead.
I wish he wasn't
It is a view, I suspect, which he shares

I mean, it's good and you laugh but after 250 pages feel a bit repetitive. I will keep reading because I enjoy. I am just saying that watching one after the other is a bit too much.

This story is very cool, with Rincewind and get Conina and Nijel which is the daughter of Cohen the Barbarian (which features in a couple of other novels). You got Death and the four riders of apocalypse (albeit very very small appearance) which remind me of Good Omens. You got introduce, finally more about the unseen university which as a bit absent until now and to other parts outside of the capital city. This novel is the third of Rincewind and the writer even say you should start there.

Now about the story, basically you've got this sourcerer (the 8th son of the 8th son wizard to the square since the 8th son is always a wizard) and he wants the wizard to take over the world. And where we have Rincewind and his companions trying to thwart there. There is a lot to take in, specially in the end and I was a bit confused to be honest. It felt a bit rush the last 50 pages.

So overall a good novel with the caveat that the slapstick comedy sometimes is a bit too much.

If you don't know, there are 6 or 7 novels (rincewind, watch, death, witches, tiffany, ancient civilizations, moist von lipwig & industrial revolution. I am going through by publication but to be honest you can do how you want. Per example I prefer Death novels so far.
