Book Review: Fracture Event by Kathleen & Michael Gear

Fracture Event by Kathleen O'Neal Gear
My rating: 8
Pages 314
Year 2021

I enjoy this audiobook. To be honest I really enjoy the pacing and characterization. There were plenty of characters for a thriller and they were all quite different. There was growth in all our main characters and even the evil characters/organization were not bland but had purposes. If I Have a complain or two, there's some stuff I didn't find that were developed. First of all, is the all work she done that could predict the fall of humanity. It's quite unrealistic to be honest, although not at all unfeasible. I mean, you can predict elections or markets and such but not particular situations like the one they try to show here on this book. But that's a minor stuff because the way it was written and such was very good. All women were sexy as fuck (quite literally) and I've been seen that criticism in other novels. I don't care about that. After this, I've bought several of their novels, including the people of america and one other duology. They really got me a good impression. The other thing I didn't enjoy was the ending. I really thought it was too fast and basically he put some characters talking about themselves about x and y happening. Telling not showing or something like that? :P

I enjoy the thriller ride, the explanations about the fragility of society and the all parties involved

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