My rating: 4 of 10 stars
Pages : 294p
Year : 2004
Genre : Horror(ish)
Series : Solo, Compilation of Short Stories
I've finished yesterday reading this book and I had higher expectations and was disappointed. First of all if you don't know who Koji is, he is the creator of The Ring. If you enjoy horror you will know what Ring is about. I've watched all the movies in the series and I've read the novel. I had high expectations from this since I've already watch the movie twice and enjoy it. This novel, is not a novel per se. It's a compilation of short stories/novellas with a theme centered on Water. That isn't to say it hasn't good stories but the vast majority was just boring , almost horrrorless and the main story although follows the movie until the end. Basically the movie which is over an hour and a half, probably more focus more on horror elements, you never understand what is going on, supernatural stuff is happening and the ending (is very similar) but in the novel is devoid of sympathy. There was almost no struggle.
There are other stories which I found out more interesting, per example Solitary Island. Everything else was just bland. And unfortunately one story doesn't make a book. To be fair, the Hold is also good but I didn't though of it as Horror. Adrift is more horror centered, about a man stranded on a ship, although the ending was again... lacky (? is that a word) 4.5/10
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