My rating: 6 of 10 stars
Pages : 204
Year : 1992
Genre : Post Apocalyptic, Horror, Weird Western
Series Vampire Hunter D (10th novel)
This was a very interesting novel, although not my favourite. The reason was the format (for both reasons). First of all, as you know, if you are reading 10 novel, you know that each story before is individual and no connection between them (very few exceptions). You could read any novel and don't lose anything in terms of character development or story wise because as you all know, there isn't any. D, the main protagonist, exists and is in all the books but the really story and character development is done by characters you will never see again, since they will change with each book. You know as much as in the first book and as this one. OK, probably the first do tell about the world and a bit about D but , apart from the first novel, that's it. Stagnation. What's the purpose of D? Being a vampire hunter killing nobles (vampires). But okay, so what's next? what's the big goal behind? You don't know. Who is he? It's hinted by other characters that he may be the son of D... and every time is cut off. (D being Dracula , the noblest of vampires, the king of vampires. Does he exist at all? We don't know because apart from , what two mentions in the last 10 novels, nothing is know). How is the world? Well , we also don't know. We know that Nobles conquered earth and have been there for 10,000 years and now, or for some time being dwindling. Why? Well, we don't know again. Probably is D since he easily dispatch noble after noble for 10,000 years lol. If killed one noble a year that's 10,000 nobles. OH well, I digress. Yes, my main problem and my love is the world. There is a capital where things are evolved and the rest of the world is called the Frontier (rather strange but whatever) unfortunately, apart from small villages we never saw or understand what the capital is/was.
So, this novels, au contraire of all others, are basically three short stories. A new thing he tried and to me didn't work as much as the novel. Usually the other characters are more developed, there are more battles and worldbuilding kind of exist, here, since it's a short format nothing is really given....
But then why am I reading this? Do I even enjoy it? To be honest I am bit of bored by it. I am feeling a bit bored by everything. Since is translated sometimes it's clunky. This was written almost for doing anime movies, with beautiful backgrounds, beautiful main character, flashy battles and unto the monster of next week. I really hope next novels improved. I Have more 20 to read LOL. I am not going to read one per month liked I wanted... Probably next one in November.
Oh about this novel, three stories one by an ancient monsters that sing people to died.. it was a bit of strange tale, I hoped for more and it was very convoluted. The second one was boring beyond belief - although I Saw something I saw in the second novel. Finally D is killed (I am kidding of course, he can't die. Even with arrow on his heart) and the third was the better one. Two ancient monsters who are destined to be enemies due to their masters (Who have long been dead). One doesn't want to fight but is compelled while the other transforms and forgets what she did in that time. Only D can save the day. 6/10
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