Movie Review: Halloween Pussy Trap Kill Kill - October Horror Fest 2023 (17/31)

 This is going to be a short review because the movie is idiotic.

You've start with some war in some arab country where a couple of troopers are killed and disfigured and so on. Then we jump to our day with a group of punk rock band doing stuff. They are kidnapped and taken to a place where they have to do games like Saw but stupid.

In the end, it's just a story of how people who are supposedly friends work under dire pressure and that same time is just a story about how the soldiers who fight in those goddman wars are treated back home and how they feel the rest of country should feel their sacrifice. It's just a test... I have to die there and you are here doing stupid stuff, not appreciating our sacrifice..

I know you want to know is there pussy and such? Well, no. There is like one scene where a girl shows her boobs for 10 seconds and that's it. Nothing further.  3/10
