My rating: 9 of 10 stars
Pages : 336
Year : 2202
Genre : Lovecraftian Horror
Series : Arkham Horror
Another great entry on the Arkham Horror novels. Finally someone understands a bit more on what's the purpose of this novels. With one Major Character from the boardgames (Diana Stanley) plus Ruby Standish a thief (Ally that you could get), plus the leader of the Silver Twilight Lodge, Carl Sanford. Our Main character is none of those for the vast majority but Abel Davenport (which was not in the game to my knowledge).
So basically due to some circustances Abel is trying to awake a dead god (the Ravening Deep among other names) but after a promising start, he undestands the problem with that dead god and with the help of Diana Stanley (a acolyte for the Silver Twiligt Lodge) plus Ruby Standish they try to thwart the Ravening Deep awakening. Since they can't do it alone they enlist (although in a non linear way) Carl Sanford to stop the ritual.
First of all, I loved Carl. I want to know more about the silver twilight lodge and him. Is he a villain? a Hero? an Anti-Hero? Or just a person with enourmous ego? Either way he was by far the most interesting character. The ending between him and Ruby was amazing and made me say "WHATT?"
Diana was also an interesting atraction. She first starts in the Lodge with a goal but soon , and throughout the novel changes and comes to understand she must undermine the lodge (which makes sense because in Arkham Horror 2 Edition at least & Eldritch Horror she is already an ex-member. In Arkham Horror LCG (don't know about AH 3 Edition) she is still in the Lodge but undermining from within.
Overall, one of the best books. 9/10
My main complain was the pacing of the story. Some parts were amazing, but some with Abel were a bit boring. Mainly how the writer chose to explain to (we the readers) through Diana how he came to be against the Ravening Deep.