My rating: 6 of 10 stars
Pages : 750p
Year : 2016
Genre : Horror
Series : Anthology Tomie
This was not my best book of Junji Ito. So you've got this girl that was butchered in the first story and came back to life. I Thought the all other stories were connected, like a revenge thing but they were not. there were some yes, but the vast majority is just normal people who encounter and go crazy. First they love her then kill her, probably due to loving her so much. It's a bit repetitive to be honest. I am not saying it's bad, it's not. But it's repetitive. It's 720 pages of some guy/gal find her, fell in love with her and go crazy. Mayhem and depravity.
There is some nudity so if you shy against it, well though luck. It's not that much but there is some. And now I am going to give you a spoiler , after reading it... she is a minor! ;)
True, this nudity has nothing to do with sexuality per se. 99% is well pure physics. You can't be born with clothes right?
I enjoy it. My goal of reading everyhing Junji Ito is almost over, only one more book to go... No Longer Human.
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