Book Review: Valuable Humans in Transit and Other Stories - qntm

Valuable Humans in Transit and Other Stories Valuable Humans in Transit and Other Stories by qntm
My rating: 73 out of 100 stars
Pages : 101
Year : 2022
Genre : Science Fiction
Series : Anthology

So let's start...

Lenna and I didn't knew about it, was photo and standard test image used in the field of digital image processing starting in 1973. In this tale we follow another character which instead of a photo, the brain was scanned. This is the history of their uses... highly interesting sci-fi (not so distant) where we can achieve for all purposes immortality... but is it a good thing?

If You Are Reading This a story told in blog-like entries and was a bit weird for me

The Frame- it's basically the story of a self-driving car and deciding their actions when they encounter someone right in front of them. You get the supervisor, the video, the brake, the wheel, the abs etc. Very interesting and comedic

The Difference this was a comic , and unsettling story that deals with a man being trapped somewhere while other people log in and out and he tries those people to help him out... (view spoiler)

Gorge a pure sci-fi story about humanity discovering a weird planet... to be honest was a bit confusing

cripes does anybody remember Google People this is a chat log, twitter probably, where a man is talking about a now-defunct google application called Google People which was a bit weird since , it worked like facebook, but it did a lot more things like fake entries, adding randomly people, asking if x or y was known to them etc. It was interesting. the ending was a bit like the Difference story... or was it?

Driver this story follows the first one. If you enjoy the first you going to enjoy the second.

I Don't Know, Timmy, Being God Is a Big Responsibility This tale is very good. It's about a computer, above the most powerful we have nowadays, the quantum computing, and these two IT create a simulation of a world (imagine Populous game) but then things got out of hand and strange stuff starts to happen mixing realities and existences.. (you can deduce by the title)

A Powerful Culture is a story about a world where something is discovered that links this world to another parallel world. And that world is using another earth as a dumping ground of pollution. Great ending.

Valuable Humans in Transit this was interesting tale where an AI narrator saves humanity from an asteroid impact... But there are more stuff in there. I was confused until I re-read again.

Overall a very interesting tales Some were more impactful than others. That's why I will rate 73/100. Because some stories really brought down the top ones... Read in one day. What more can I wish? This person is very good.
