My rating: 33 of 100
Pages : 299
Year : 2020
Genre : Apocalyptic Fiction
Series : Bird Box (Finish)
It took me 2 days to read the novel, that's something. I've watch Birdie Box when it was released and then I've watch the other movie set in Barcelona. When I saw both books at sale I bought them. First I Want to learn more about the setting and I thought it brought something new. The second novel, this one was not Barcelona but a sequel of the first one which intrigue me. I thought the story was told...
I started and almost immediately I didn't enjoy it. So they were in a safe haven (somewhat) and chaos erupts and most are killed. Both Malorie and her two children escape and settle in another place. Time jump several years and now they are both 16. So knowing that she was a mother at teenager I bet she is around 30's.
Most of their life , and most of their book is about Malorie shielding the boy and girl (Tom & Olympia). After an encounter with someone who is making a census they learn that Malorie's parents may be alive so they travel to that place either on foot or by a newly built train.
Most of these book is bad to be honest, unless you forget about the first one and the apocalpytic world they are living. This book is quick guide on how not be a over protecting parent, realizing they will not be always x years and that with time if you control them too much the chains will be broken. Most of the novel is Malorie telling them not remove the blindfolds whilst Tom trying to escape her grip. Olympia just exists , sometimes siding with one or the other.
Now for the spoilers part... So, as you know there are these beings that make people crazy and committing crimes and then suicide , right? On Barcelona they delve more and making people that have seen this monsters to be completly ravening crazy but not to the point of suicide. Here we've got something else.. It seems you can look at them and not being crazy at all, even more revealing in the last 10 pages or so, Olympia (didn't really understand about Tom) could and see these monsters without any drawbacks whatsoever. So why did she let the monsters killed all the people on first haven and then on the following 10 years , why didn't she told anything? I know she is over protecting and such BUT...
End of spoilers
So , as a post apocalyptic novel I would rate this bad. On a book that enhances my experience with Bird Box I would rate this bad. IF you just want a story focus on characters that are focus on being over protective to the limit due to her own fears then probably this is a book for you - but I am kidding. It's not that interesting. 33/100
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