Basically one day everyone woke up and start to act violent and erratic - some killing others and others killing themselves, but mainly killing "sane" people or other crazy people.
Why? Well a woman says to a man that everyone born outside the leap years has gonne berserk - why? Well get this... For a thousand years so we've been adding one day (29 February) every four years right? Well then those added days mean that the mayan 21/12/2012 was not there but supposdly was 13/13/13 which in my opinion WHAT FUCK? If you are adding days instead of taking them out, THEN the correct day of the mayan would not be on the 21/12/2012 but BEFORE of that day...
Besides the leap year exists before a thousand years... WAY BEFORE...
I won't talk more about this movie. Never watch it unless you are a masochist.
Oh my the way... WTF is that cover?? There are no demons whatsoever in the movie... People go berserk and crazy... Enfin...