Gakuen Babysitters really resonate with me. Being a father of a 2 year old child I enjoy a lot of this show ALTHOUGH this is not a true realistic view of parenting - at all....
As the episodes pogress we get to know Morinomiya (a older woman who adopt them) and Saikawa (her butler?). We also get to know Hayato who befriends Ryuuichi althought he is a bit anti-social kind of guy but has a brother in the Babysitter club called Taka.
Lets be real... children are smart but... my wife is blind and she has a guide dog. He don't understand that she is blind yet. He cannot phantom that BUT we teach him that the dog we have (Quickie) helps her. On what he do he does not know or why. From time to time he says "a mãe tem doidoi nos olhos - o Quickie ajuda" - roughly translated - "Mommy has a owie in her eyes - Quickie helps" but that's about it... sometimes when she goes against something and hurts himself he calls the dog to help her. They are funny...
From the babysitter who sleeps while taking care of children, to let them wander alone in a school to other neglectic matters not that important here.
This show, a pure slice-of-life / comedy, is a show about brotherly love that must cope with the death of their parents. This is why normal in anime losing parents and dealing with it (normally quite easy). This way the first couple of episodes we get to see both Kotarou (the young boy) & Ryuuichi (the older one) dealing with that loss and trying to live by it. By the sixth or seventh episode that was over and almost it neither that subject come into play.

Taka is the complete oposite of Kotarou. Taka is always running and smashing things while Kotarou is almost a statue. Probably or not, its interesting that Hayato punish his brother by hitting him in the head while Ryuuichi is more gentle and never resorting to violence.
One thing that really interest me was the children. First I thought they were mis-characterize. They talk a lot (althought small sentences) but also were very considerative (it's a word?) and with great awareness. One of the girls deduce Maria Inomata (our Tsundere) hated Ryuuichi but later understands that after he loves/likes him. I don't think a child of 3 has that capacity. But mine is not 3 years old yet....

So when Kotarou went great length in episode 8 to grab a lemon because he thought Ryuuchi was feeling sick (cold) because Ryuuichi demonstrated a lot of pressure on what to answer to a girl who said she loved him - I laugh out loud...
This show is not to everybody. Maybe people with young kids or people with young brother they have to take care off (episode 9) shows Hayato and Ryuuichi talk about that pressure and that difficult their lives in some ways I really resonate with it. Hayato says that he don't care about what his brother Taka broke but he knows he was being malicious and even asking for forgiving he knew he didn't meant it - that's so true man! But they are not malicious - they are kids and have to learn.. It takes time. I have great control on my stuff being a avid reader and with thousands books at home and boardgames but one time he scribble on one of my books but whose fault was that? his? It's mine. It's a kid... he doesn't understand value of things or why he can write on a blank page but not in a 40$ book. They are kids and we are the adults... so Youko (the old woman) teaches the boy and it was funny. I had the same thought. Gonna try sometime :D
As Kotorou says "Little boys do grow up..."
Really loving anime. Slice of Life, Drama, Comedy & a bit of Romance (not that much).
I say again. Slice of Life were great this season. It's a shame next season there aren't that many...