Thoughts XXXVI - All Lives Matter

As a White Person, are you ashamed for every white parent that kills his own infant?
Are you ashamed for every white person who kills another white person?
Are ashamed for every white person who commits suicide?
Are you ashamed for every white person who steals? Who commits a felony?
Are you? You are not!

Being ashamed for another human being - be it white or any other race - wrong doing is just stupid. You don't control anyone - not even your own family. Only yourself.

Be ashamed if you witness a crime, and could have done something but did nothing.
Be ashamed if you do a felony. Be at shame if you do something wrong (wrong is a bit far-fetched because it depends on culture or creed but you get me).

This is wrong. Seeing white people kissing black person feet is just plainly stupid.
You are a person, it doesn't matter your race or gender. It matters your action towards another human being.

Stop being woke and really wake up. Wake up and see that we are all different yet all with the same flaws, necessities and rights. Everything else is just bullshit.

Stop the victim blazing. Stop the white shaming (or black or yellow or pink with red dots I don't give a shit).

You are being drawn into war. The democrats want a war. The republicans will reply.
What I don't understand is those rich powerful white playing false virtudes for what? They desire some piece of mind? They desire attention? Don't they understand if they make this war they will fall? If they really are communists or socialists why are all millionaires living in mansions? Why shouldn't they donate money, really help the poor? They want attention, they want people saying - oh he or she did good.

We are not all the same, we will never be all equal. History as teach us that.

Black Lives Matter. White Lives Matter. Asian Lives Matter.

Sorry for the politics...  But it upsets me.
