October Horror Fest - 11/31 - Movie Review: Wrong Turn 5

So since all people are dying in previous installations and nobody is really interested this tale deals with a town that commemorates hillybillies. It's like Halloween.

Well, we follow a group of teens as they make some sex and do some weed. Meanwhile the hillybiillies are killing people and eating them but this time they are helped by a "normal" cannibal. This one at least can talk and shit.

Well, after the kids nearly run over him (by mistake) he attacks them and polices arrives and arrest everyone. From this moment on, the cannibals try to free their "father" or something like that while killing people the most comic and innovative way. For people who cannot even speak they sure invent new ways of killing people.

Again, most people are really dumb. The cannibals are attacking on a village that only ten minutes ago were filled with people vising the fair. But now the power is out and where did those people go? Screams, shots and even explosions - but nobody leaves their house to check it out? We are in the middle of town square for god sake.

It's very stupid. At least the ending was... well predictable but I wasn't expecting they killing the xerife...
lol Lt us see the last one.
