Book Review: Excavation - James Rollins

So... As all thrillers they start the same with a little introduction usually regarding the mystery in the blurb of the novel. Then we are introduced to all characters. Always going forward and then adversity appears. Then the bad guys appear - usually in the beginning they are that bad - they are hidden. Then the plot advances and they discover something ah and then the bad guys unveil their Machiavelli plan. And go we go and battles ensure the all plot is unveil with all the mystery "AHH!" and the bad guys lose and good guys without that much loses.

Basically this is all thrillers and this is no different.
Every single character (good guys) are perfect human beings. Okay Ralph (the black) is a bit homophobic but he has an answer - his family is very christian so he learn that way. BUT no problem he sacrificies himself for the gay character.
What about the women? Well she also has a excuse - she was born in northern ireland so of course she excused - I laugh when they throw a gun at her and "of course I can handle - I was born in nothern ireland" oh my - didn't know it was like texas or something like that. Of course there were IRA but no all people work with guns

What about the main character? Oh my is so perfect that even dies... and his reborn again! and gets the girl! oh yeah
Even the old uncle gets a girl.

Enfin... weak plot about Incas. I expected something different. But then it got "aliens" and some weird stuff that nobody see except incas and the conquistadors but everyone shut up about it...

And the bad guys you ask? 
