Movie Review: V/H/S/94 - October Horror Fest (14/31)

All of the stories within V/H/S/94 were bad. Well to be true not all but the vast majority. Bear in mind that this is 4 on the series.

Well, so what's the series about you ask? Well it's about "lost" tapes that are found and weave into a story meanwhile in-between all of stories you follow another story. (It's the classic story within a story).

The tale being told in-between the stories is about a group of people entering a house and discover a massacre and gore everywhere. Very dark.

The first tale and the only one that captivate me was a tale about a woman trying to get some audience for her show so she goes to the sewers with her cameramen to find a strange hybrid of rat+human. Alas all goes sideways (or else it wouldn't be here) and the ending was quite cool. The monster sure look like Alien.

The second tale it's a very gory and violent - at times I thought that I was seeing some images from a first person shooter videogame. And, we arrive at the last story and the White Supremacist dumb militia guys. It's so bad so cringe that really devalues all the remaining tales. Please stop doing this kind of shit. The time is wrong. Not all white people are supremacist. You know that? If you want to do somekind of interesting horror make some BLM members being horrendous and racist. That would be very interesting and different.

3 Stars for the lack on innovation. The first two VHS are far better - even that dreadful third is better than this... I wonder why the critics love it so much - oh I know, white men bad - since half of them are white it's a bit of oxymoron - probably they are just like that blind moron oxyen
